Saturday, January 29, 2011

Davos: Saudi Not To Forego Its Right To Domestic Uranium Enrichment

27 January 2011

IFANDP (SURREY, ENGLAND) –Prince Turki al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia stated that Saudi Arabia does not plan to forego their right to enrich uranium, but will consider alternatives in an effort to improve relations with Iran. According to the Prince, Saudi has plans to develop nuclear energy for domestic uses. In an interview at the Davos economic summit, Prince Turki al Faisal stated, “Saudi has proposed as a way to resolve this issue with Iran to have a neutral country to supply enriched uranium to Middle East countries.” Source: (Reliability: Moderate - 40.71)

It is unlikely that Iran will stop pursing domestic uranium enrichment despite the Saudi’s proposal to import enriched fuel to Iran. After the investment made into their current uranium enrichment infrastructure, and the stubborn stance to date about their program, it is unlikely that importing enriched uranium would coerce the Iranian regime into abandoning their domestic enrichment program. (Analytic Confidence: Low)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Alarm Raised Over Shipment Of Spilled Uranium

28 January 2011

TIMES COLONIST (NANAIMO) — A shipment of partially spilled uranium concentrate docked offshore from Ladysmith, Canada for a few days raises questions about what kinds of hazardous materials are shipped through B.C. waters, an environmental organization says. The Liberian-registered cargo ship Altona carried 350 tons of uranium from Saskatoon-based Cameco Corp. when heavy seas forced it to return to Canada after several of its containers shifted. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission considers the uranium concentrate, also known as yellowcake, as “mildly radioactive” and said it poses no threat to the ship’s crew, the public or the environment. Source: (Reliability: 40.1 -- Moderate)

Image source:


It is likely that over the course of the next six months, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission will re-evaluate their regulations to ensure proper safety of nuclear material transportation. If they do not, then it is likely groups will continue to raise concern over their abilities to properly transport nuclear material. (Analytic Confidence: High)

CTBTO Tests Nuke Explosion Monitoring Technology

28 January 2011

GLOBAL SECURITY NEWSWIRE (WASHINGTON)--The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) tested a new way of detecting an atmospheric nuclear explosion in the Israeli Negev desert. The test successfully demonstrated that infrasound technology can detect low-frequency sound waves that human ears cannot hear. The test involved 25 infrasound sensors located in 15 Middle Eastern and European states. Six additional states collected the data for analysis. Source: (Reliability: 40.36 -- Moderate)

Image source:

U3O8 Aims To Rapidly Expand South American NI 43-101 Resources

24 January 2011

MARKETWIRE (TORONTO)--Canadian-based U3O8 Corp. plans to substantially increase its NI 43-101 (NI) resource portfolio in Colombia, Guyana, and Argentina in 2011. At its Berlin project in Colombia, U3O8 Corp. aspires to define a potential NI resource of an initial 20-25 million pounds (mlbs) of uranium. It wants to expand current NI resources to 20-25 mlbs at the Kurupung project in Guyana. Lastly, the company aims to report a NI resource estimate on the Laguna Salada project in Argentina while exploring the next target in order to increase resources to 20-24 mlbs. Source: (Reliability: 47.91 -- High)

Image: The top left white thumbtack identifies the location of the Berlin project in Colombia (about 94 miles northwest of Bogota), the top center tack is of the Kurupung project in Guyana (about 120 miles southwest of Georgetown), and the bottom center tack is of the Laguna Salada project in Argentina (about 122 miles southwest of Rawson).
Image source: Google Earth

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Moscow Schedules Next Bulava Launch For Summer 2011

27 January 2011

GLOBAL SECURITY NEWSWIRE (WASHINGTON)--Moscow has delayed the 15th test flight of its experimental Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile until summer 2011. Moscow had originally scheduled the test for December 2010, but heavy ice in the White Sea created unsafe testing conditions. The Bulava can carry up to ten nuclear warheads as far as 5,000 miles. Seen of the missile's 14 trial launches were successful, including a pair of tests conducted in October 2010. Source: (Reliability: 45.3 -- Moderate)

Diagram of how the Bulava missile functions. Image source:

Friday, January 21, 2011

China Needs 10 Years For Nuclear Fuel Recycling: CNNC

18 January 2011

AFP (SHANGHAI)—According to China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) officials, China will need at least a decade to reprocess nuclear fuel on an industrial scale. An expert from the IAEA said on Monday, January 17th, that China would first need to upgrade their nuclear facilities. The IAEA official, Gary Dyck also stated, “…they will need to construct and commission a much larger facility.” China’s pilot-scale plant used the same aqueous recycle technology used in commercial-scale plants in France, Russia, and other countries. Source: (Reliability: High – 48.24)

Berkeley Resources Begins Exploitation Phase For Spanish Uranium Project

19 January 2011

MININGWEEKLY.COM (JOHANNESBURG)--Australian-based Berkeley Resources will submit its exploitation plan to the Spanish government for its Salamanca project. This project comprises the Aguila, Alameda, Retortillo, and Villar mining deposits and has an estimated 71.2 million pounds of uranium. Berkeley submitted this plan in November 2010 to Spanish state-owned ENUSA and the two companies established a joint venture (JV) to operate the project, with Berkeley controlling 90%. Berkeley must pay USD 25.6 million to ENUSA for the transfer of ENUSA-owned elements into the JV. Source: (Reliability: 47.69 -- High)


It is unlikely that Russian-stated owned OA
O Severstal (a leading steel and mining company) will gain a controlling stake in Berkeley Resources. There was an existing Severstal take over bid of Berkeley, however the two companies could not finalize the terms of the deal before the 14 January 2011 deadline. This deal expired, but Berkeley is currently continuing discussions with Severstal on another transaction proposal. It is unlikely that this new proposal will result in a take over bid due to the raising price of uranium, the estimated deposits of the Salamanca project and its step towards the exploitation phase, and Berkeley's new desire to explore a broad range of financing alternatives. (Analytic Confidence: Moderate)

Image: Depicts the Salamanca uranium project in central Spain, with the Villar deposit (top left), Alameda deposit (bottom left), Aguila deposit (bottom right), and Retortillo deposit (top right). Source:

Kaiga 4 Connected To Grid

19 January 2011

WORLD NUCLEAR NEWS (LONDON)—India added the fourth unit at the Kaiga nuclear power plant (in the southwestern Indian state of Karnataka) to its power grid on 19 January 2011. Kaiga 4 is a 220 MWe domestically designed pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR), similar to the three units already in operation at the site. The reactor achieved first criticality on 27 November 2010 and is now India's 20th operating unit. The 880 MWe that Kaiga 4 generates will supply the southern Indian states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Pudducherry. Source: (Reliability: 35.84 -- Moderate)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

U.S., China Agree To Expand Nuclear Security Ties

20 January 2011

GLOBAL SECURITY NEWSWIRE (WASHINGTON)--The United States (U.S.) and China agreed to open and operate a collaborative nuclear security center in China. The center will seek to spread best practices in regards to states' abilities to safeguard and account for nuclear materials. The U.S. agreed to supply trainers and machinery for the center, while China agreed to pay for most of the costs of operation. Officials said other Asian nations likely would be allowed to use the center. The center would be a joint effort between the U.S. National Nuclear Safety Administration (N.N.S.A.) and the China Atomic Energy Authority. Source: (Reliability: 45.3 -- Moderate)

It is highly unlikely that North Korea would be allowed to use the center even if it took steps toward denuclearization. Its ties to Iran are too strong to risk allowing North Korean nuclear experts into the center to see what kind of safeguards the U.S. and China have. (Analytic Confidence: Moderate)

President Hu Jintao of China and U.S. President Barack Obama met at the White House to discuss nuclear security. Image source:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Graham Construction Preferred For £100m Dounreay Nuclear Waste Job

CONSTRUCTION ENQUIRER (LONDON)— The Dounreay nuclear waste facility in northern Scotland is under restoration to continue the decommissioning of Dournreay and the adjacent Vulcan nuclear facility. The two plants expect to produce up to 175,000 cubic meters of solid low-level radioactive waste from the site clean-up. Another 38,000 cubic meters of waste is currently on site in disused disposal pits that date from the 1950s. The Northern Irish firm beat rival bids from BAM Nuttal, Black & Veatch and MBM, a joint venture between Morrison, Balfour Beatty and Morgan Sindall. Source:
(Reliability: 47.81 -- Moderate)

It is likely that other nuclear facilities in Great Britain will store all nuclear waste and spent fuel from decommissioned nuclear power plants on site. This is due to an inability to find a suitable centralized location. (Analytic Confidence: Moderate)

Image Source: