Friday, January 28, 2011

U3O8 Aims To Rapidly Expand South American NI 43-101 Resources

24 January 2011

MARKETWIRE (TORONTO)--Canadian-based U3O8 Corp. plans to substantially increase its NI 43-101 (NI) resource portfolio in Colombia, Guyana, and Argentina in 2011. At its Berlin project in Colombia, U3O8 Corp. aspires to define a potential NI resource of an initial 20-25 million pounds (mlbs) of uranium. It wants to expand current NI resources to 20-25 mlbs at the Kurupung project in Guyana. Lastly, the company aims to report a NI resource estimate on the Laguna Salada project in Argentina while exploring the next target in order to increase resources to 20-24 mlbs. Source: (Reliability: 47.91 -- High)

Image: The top left white thumbtack identifies the location of the Berlin project in Colombia (about 94 miles northwest of Bogota), the top center tack is of the Kurupung project in Guyana (about 120 miles southwest of Georgetown), and the bottom center tack is of the Laguna Salada project in Argentina (about 122 miles southwest of Rawson).
Image source: Google Earth

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